Skål ta mig faan! Ett glas Sunshine är upphällt och smuttat på, smakar gott. Jag är ingen stor vindrickare men idag blev jag bara sugen, och det sägs ju att lite vin är bra för hjärtat :) Jag och frugan sitter och tittar på Let´s Dance! Småtrevlig underhållning.
Hittade föreläsaren Martina Winblad´s sida och blogg.
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fredag 27 februari 2009
I hälsans tecken!
Nu är vi mätta och goda, det blev en köttfärssås med touch av curry, har nu hällt upp en kopp kaffe med cocosfett.
Söndagen den 1 mars går i hälsans tecken i ett litet samhälle som heter Essunga, skulle vara skoj att leta sig dit, det kommer vara föreläsning om sund kost med betoning på lågkolhydrat kost av Martina Winblad. Jonas Colting kommer ha föreläsning om motivation och om sund livsstil. Utställare med bl.a Aloe Vera
Sverige och LCHF får uppmärksamhet i en Amerikansk blogg, coolt :)
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Friday oh lovely friday!
Precis hemkommen, arbetsveckan är över, känns riktigt bra. Känner mig lite sliten, så det skall bli riktigt skönt med lite ledighet. Skall snart ställa mig och laga middag, skall slänga ihop en köttfärssås i LCHF´s tecken.
Köpte med mig två vinare hem, ett rött Sunrise, kostade 59:- styck. Är lite sugen faktiskt, kan bero på att solens strålar värmer oss idag.
Tyckte jag kände lukten av stålar, men det var bara en illusion.
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Köpte med mig två vinare hem, ett rött Sunrise, kostade 59:- styck. Är lite sugen faktiskt, kan bero på att solens strålar värmer oss idag.
Tyckte jag kände lukten av stålar, men det var bara en illusion.
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Vitaminer för ditt tankesätt #3
Träna ett barn, från Jim Rohn;
How many languages can a child learn? As many as you will take the time to teach them.
Even kids can get started on becoming financially independent. Kids can make profits long before they can legitimately earn wages.
Kids ought to have two bicycles: one to ride and one to rent.
Kids don't lack capacity, only teachers.
I teach kids how to be rich by the time they are age 40, 35 if they are extra bright. Most kids think they are extra bright, so they go for 35.
What should a child do with a dollar? Here's one philosophy: It's only a child and it's only a dollar, so what difference does it make? Wow, what a philosophy! Where do you suppose everything starts for the future? Here's where it starts it starts with a child and a dollar. You say, "Well, he's only a child once. Let him spend it all." Well, when would you hope that would stop? When he's fifty and broke like you?
If kids clearly see the promise, they will gladly pay the price.
Jim Rohn
Läs även andra bloggares åsikter om jim rohn, motivation, personlig utveckling
How many languages can a child learn? As many as you will take the time to teach them.
Even kids can get started on becoming financially independent. Kids can make profits long before they can legitimately earn wages.
Kids ought to have two bicycles: one to ride and one to rent.
Kids don't lack capacity, only teachers.
I teach kids how to be rich by the time they are age 40, 35 if they are extra bright. Most kids think they are extra bright, so they go for 35.
What should a child do with a dollar? Here's one philosophy: It's only a child and it's only a dollar, so what difference does it make? Wow, what a philosophy! Where do you suppose everything starts for the future? Here's where it starts it starts with a child and a dollar. You say, "Well, he's only a child once. Let him spend it all." Well, when would you hope that would stop? When he's fifty and broke like you?
If kids clearly see the promise, they will gladly pay the price.
Jim Rohn
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jim rohn,
personlig utveckling
torsdag 26 februari 2009
Jag är inte sämre man än att jag kan ändra mig, men just nu tycker jag att a-kassan suger, frugan fick brev idag, nu efterfrågar dom ett arbetsgivarintyg för ett halvår under 2003???? Det är sex år sedan, jag är nog trög, men jag förstår ärligt talat inte vitsen med detta, skall ersättningsnivån räknas ut på så många år tillbaks i tiden? Det måste vara världens sämsta försäkring denna a-kassa, betala dyrt i alla år, bli arbetslös, ansök, strul och så kanske du får en liten slant om du är snäll.... Förresten tar tillbaks världens sämsta, det vet jag en annan försäkring och bolag som är, men det är en annan historia.
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Riktig mat
Idag har det blivit riktig mat för en LCHF anhängare :) Frukost och lunch bestod i stekt ägg o bacon, två ägg och ett paket bacon till varje måltid. Nu sitter jag och äter turkisk yoghurt med pumpakärnor, till efterrätt får jag kaffe och ni vet vad. Under dagen har jag även druckigt två skvättar aloe juice.
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onsdag 25 februari 2009
Dålig kost!
Även idag har jag haft problem att äta rätt, varit på möte hela dagen igen. Jättesvårt att äta rätt när man inte själv styr över matlagningen. Imorse blev det riktigt sunkig mat känns det som, kl 8:00 blev det ett stopp på McDonalds, fick köpt två stycken såna där Egg and Bacon burgare, köpte inget att dricka till. Till lunch var det buffé och som tur fanns det mycket grönsaker, så det blev grönsaker, köttfärs, creme fraish, några majschips och 3 små slice med pan pizza, åt inte all deg. Drack ett glas vatten till.
Väl hemma klämde jag till med tre koppar kaffe med cocosfett :) Har även ätit turkisk yoghurt med pumpakärnor. Imorgon kommer det bli ägg och bacon igen, då är tillvaron återställd.
Läste nu på kvällen om kolhydratbluffen, där Jonas Colting berättar om hans syn på kolhydrater.
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Vitaminer för ditt tankesätt #2
Träna är att vara som ett barn, från Jim Rohn;
Remember the master teacher once said 2000 years ago, "Unless you can become like little children, your chances are zero, you haven't got a prayer." A major consideration for adults.
Be like children and remember there are four ways to be more like a child no matter how old you get
1) Curiosity - Be curious. Childish curiosity. Learn to be curious like a child. What will kids do if they want to know something bad enough? You're right. They will bug you. Kids can ask a million questions. You think they're through. They've got another million. They will keep plaguing you. They can drive you right to the brink.
Also kids use their curiosity to learn. Have you ever noticed that while adults are stepping on ants, children are studying them? A child's curiosity is what helps them to reach, learn and grow.
2) Excitement - Learn to get excited like a child. There is nothing that has more magic than childish excitement. So excited you hate to go to bed at night. Can't wait to get up in the morning. So excited that you're about to explode. How can anyone resist that kind of childish magic? Now, once in awhile I meet someone who says, "Well, I'm a little too mature for all that childish excitement." Isn't that pitiful? You've got to weep for these kinds of people. All I've got to say is, "If you're too old to get excited, you're old." Don't get that old.
3) Faith - Faith like a child. Faith is childish. How else would you describe it? Some people say, "Let's be adult about it." Oh no. No. Adults too often have a tendency to be overly skeptical. Some adults even have a tendency to be cynical. Adults say, "Yeah. I've heard that old positive line before. It will be a long day in June before I fall for that positive line. You've got to prove to me it's any good." See, that's adult, but kids aren't that way. Kids think you can get anything. They are really funny. You tell kids, "We're going to have three swimming pools." And they say, "Yeah. Three. One each. Stay out of my swimming pool." See, they start dividing them up right away, but adults are not like that. Adults say, "Three swimming pools? You're out of your mind. Most people don't even have one swimming pool. You'll be lucky to get a tub in the back yard." You notice the difference? No wonder the master teacher said, "Unless you can become like little children, your chances, they're skinny."
4) Trust - Trust is a childish virtue, but it has great merit. Have you heard the expression "sleep like a baby"? That's it. Childish trust. After you've gotten an A+ for the day, leave it in somebody else's hands.
Curiosity, excitement, faith and trust. Wow, what a powerful combination to bring (back) into our lives.
Jim Rohn
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Remember the master teacher once said 2000 years ago, "Unless you can become like little children, your chances are zero, you haven't got a prayer." A major consideration for adults.
Be like children and remember there are four ways to be more like a child no matter how old you get
1) Curiosity - Be curious. Childish curiosity. Learn to be curious like a child. What will kids do if they want to know something bad enough? You're right. They will bug you. Kids can ask a million questions. You think they're through. They've got another million. They will keep plaguing you. They can drive you right to the brink.
Also kids use their curiosity to learn. Have you ever noticed that while adults are stepping on ants, children are studying them? A child's curiosity is what helps them to reach, learn and grow.
2) Excitement - Learn to get excited like a child. There is nothing that has more magic than childish excitement. So excited you hate to go to bed at night. Can't wait to get up in the morning. So excited that you're about to explode. How can anyone resist that kind of childish magic? Now, once in awhile I meet someone who says, "Well, I'm a little too mature for all that childish excitement." Isn't that pitiful? You've got to weep for these kinds of people. All I've got to say is, "If you're too old to get excited, you're old." Don't get that old.
3) Faith - Faith like a child. Faith is childish. How else would you describe it? Some people say, "Let's be adult about it." Oh no. No. Adults too often have a tendency to be overly skeptical. Some adults even have a tendency to be cynical. Adults say, "Yeah. I've heard that old positive line before. It will be a long day in June before I fall for that positive line. You've got to prove to me it's any good." See, that's adult, but kids aren't that way. Kids think you can get anything. They are really funny. You tell kids, "We're going to have three swimming pools." And they say, "Yeah. Three. One each. Stay out of my swimming pool." See, they start dividing them up right away, but adults are not like that. Adults say, "Three swimming pools? You're out of your mind. Most people don't even have one swimming pool. You'll be lucky to get a tub in the back yard." You notice the difference? No wonder the master teacher said, "Unless you can become like little children, your chances, they're skinny."
4) Trust - Trust is a childish virtue, but it has great merit. Have you heard the expression "sleep like a baby"? That's it. Childish trust. After you've gotten an A+ for the day, leave it in somebody else's hands.
Curiosity, excitement, faith and trust. Wow, what a powerful combination to bring (back) into our lives.
Jim Rohn
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jim rohn,
personlig utveckling
Kung i baren!
tisdag 24 februari 2009
Löning om en liten stund, gott, 10% avsättning till oss själva fördelat på buffert och aktier/fonder. Ett steg närmare målen. Skall bli intressant att se vad frugan får ut, hon kämpade på bra under januari. En liten slant från a-kassan borde ju också komma snart tycker man, det skall ju betalas ut från början av december, något lång handläggnings tid kan jag tycka, undrar om dom tror att man lever enbart på luft?
Köpstopp och ekonomi har förklarat krig mot kreditkorten, and war has begun....
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