
tisdag 3 mars 2009

Yoga Your Brain!

Nu slår jag ett slag för lite frågesport, WorldQuiz, slår upp portarna på allvar i slutet av april, bli bland de 5000 första registrerande och var för alltid med i en extra månadsdragning. Frågorna finns även på Svenska.

Use the chance to become a VIP participant in Weekly Quiz.
The first 5000 participants in our concept will forever participate for free in a VIP competition that goes on EACH month with LARGE money prizes!

It cost only 4 Euro + fees. This is the ONLY cost you will have to secure a place among our VIP customers and be entitled to participation in the monthly competition.

When our 5000 VIP participants are in place, you'll automatically participate in the monthly VIP Quiz as soon as we launch the VIP competition.

Pre-Launch will last untill 27.04.2009 and Weekly Quiz starts officially, but the VIP campaign will end when the first 5000 active participants are registered.

It`s educational to participate in Weekly Quiz. Each week has a new exciting theme!

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